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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy


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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Milchcow Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:09 pm

    Pictures of how to setup loop

    First loop - using Katoa to loop Lodge and Havili

    In this case, it is important that Lodge plays before both Katoa and Havili )preferable a whole day before so you don't have to rush your choice)

    If you like Lodge's score, do nothing, and he will become AE for Katoa.
    If you don't like his score, swap Havili and Katoa, and get Havili's score instead.

    (note that for the round about to be played as I type this, this setup won't work as Lodge plays after Katoa, but assume for argument Lodge plays Friday night and Havili/Katoa both play Saturday)

    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Loop_310

    2nd Loop - using Katoa to loop Thompson and Isaako

    In this case, it doesn't matter when Katoa plays during the round. What matters is that both Gosiewski and Thompson play after Isaako. And also that there are no other WFBs on your reserves bench.

    If you don't like Isaako's score, do nothing, and Thompson will become AE for Katoa 
    If Isaako does well, swap Thompson and Gosiewski and get Isaako's score.

    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Loop_110

    In both case, you should set up the loop such that your preferred player will be active AE if you take not action.

    ie In case 1. I think Lodge will score better than havili, so I set it up so he will score.
    If I think Havili will score better, I'll put Havili in 17 and Katoa in 19. I can still swap them around after Lodge plays, but as insurance against being unable to logon, have it setup so that your preferred scorer will be in play if you don't change your team.

    Lodge has to be in 18 if he plays first, but Katoa and Havili can be in any order - they are the 2 that you will swap/not swap depending on Lodge's score.

    Likewise for case 2, I think Thompson will outscore Isaako, so I start with him ahead in the rankings.
    If I thought Isaako was likely to score better I would have Thompson in position 21 by default . Can always swap Gosiwski and Thompson at any point before they play, so place them in the order you think you'll want them. That way if you forget, or can't logon to swap, it won't be as harmful.

    Also keep in mind that in both cases, you are not guaranteed to get a higher score.

    In case 1, Lodge might score 35, so you decide to use him as AE. Havili could score a double and get 55.
    Or Lodge could score 25, so you play Havili instead, he gets a 2nd minute HIA and scores 1 point.

    It's an educated guessing game about whether to take the loop or not

    Last edited by Milchcow on Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Milchcow Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:10 pm

    Advanced Looping.

    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Loop411

    This is possibly the best situation you can get for a loop.

    Ideally for this to work  Gurgess plays on Thursday night.
    Hurrell, Holmes, Liddle  then play on Friday night
    Leleisiuao and Mitchell play Saturday or later.
    Holmes and Hurrell have to be the highest ranked CTR and WFB on your reserves.

    Option 1.
    If Gurgess kills it early. Swap Leleisiuao for Holmes/Hurrell and then swap him again for Liddle, to put Gurgess in as AE.

    Option 2.
    Watch Hurrell and Holmes play. Once you have seen both their scores, 
    If Holmes scores higher, do nothing. Holmes will be AE for Leleisiuao at WFB
    If Hurrell scores higher, swap Leleisiuao with Latrell so that Hurrell becomes AE for the missing CTR

    This is a rare case where you do not risk missing out on a higher score. You can guarantee  the highest score for your team and make your swap decision accordingly. Will be hard to set this up on a regular basis however as it requires multiple players having the right DPP (or not having DPP at all) and playing in a convenient order.

    Last edited by Milchcow on Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Milchcow Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:10 pm

    save another post just in case

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Milchcow Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:37 pm

    I was very keen on Brodie Croft during pre-season. I talked him up heavily, and thought he was a shoe-in for 40+ scores.
    I feel its a bit wrong of me then, to sell him now to cut my losses. I know it is within the rules of the game that I can remove Croft from my team, but I think swapping him out for a cheaper player producing better scores is a bit of a loophole.
    Should I keep Croft around to suffer the full value of his losses, rather than taking the coward's way out and trying to dodge some of the dropped cash.

    PS - in reality, Croft went from my team ages ago. But then again, I am also a proud loopholer.
    I also buy items when they are on sale.

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Milchcow Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:58 pm

    Main thread is full of poolhopping talk.

    So anyone here want to help me with trade options for the week?
    Rippin and Tearin
    Rippin and Tearin

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Rippin and Tearin Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:08 pm

    Pain wrote:Does this loophole work?

    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Screen10

    mattnz wrote:
    In this scenario, to maximize the power of the loophole, play TPJ in your 13 at FRF exchanging him with a non-dual FRF, leave Teddy where he is in 18. Play Kikau at 20. Switch Rochow for a non-dual 2nd Rower.

    Now wait for Teddy and Kikau to play. Choose which of their scores you want to get. If you want Teddys score, you can move Griffin into the interchange before he plays and you get his score. If you want Kikaus score you can move Griffin down to 21.

    Because TPJ is dual and his team plays late in the round and so do Tigers, you can also switch TPJ and Rochows positions. Without seeing the full squad it is hard to recommend, but normally in this kind of scenario you can see 2 or 3 players play before deciding which score to take.

    This is why having the player in the 13 is much better than having them on bench / emergency. You get lots of flexibility and options. Now who needs to keep quiet on what they don't know they are talking about?

    Rippin and Tearin
    Rippin and Tearin

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Rippin and Tearin Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:09 pm


    Mate, I have read this post three times now and it makes zero sense. I have no idea what you are suggesting Pain does here and therefore your "advice", whether or not you actually know what you are talking about, is garbage. Please if anyone can interpret this, let me know. Or if you want to try and articulate your thoughts again, then go for gold. But until then you might want to keep the smart arse comments to yourself.

    @Milchcow does this make any sense to you - I am genuinely trying to give this guy the benefit of the doubt but to me there is no logic to this post.
    Rippin and Tearin
    Rippin and Tearin

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Rippin and Tearin Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:13 pm

    @mattnz maybe you can help me out here:

    Who do you have at 16 in this example? have you swapped Croker for Kikau?

    Then if so the way I read your post you have TPJ at FRF in the 13 and then:

    14 Cook
    15 a 2RF (with Rochow now in the 13 at 2RF)
    16 Croker
    17 a FRF (the one who was in the 13, but now TPJ is there)
    18 Teddy
    19 Griffin
    20 Kikau
    21 doesn't matter

    Is that right?

    And if so, what assumption are you working under for Croker - that he plays like he is down to? or that he's out like the rumour suggests?

    Last edited by Rippin and Tearin on Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Milchcow Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:14 pm

    Pain wrote:Does this loophole work?

    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Screen10

    In this scenario, to maximize the power of the loophole, play TPJ in your 13 at FRF exchanging him with a non-dual FRF, leave Teddy where he is in 18. Play Kikau at 20. Switch Rochow for a non-dual 2nd Rower.

    Now wait for Teddy and Kikau to play. Choose which of their scores you want to get. If you want Teddys score, you can move Griffin into the interchange before he plays and you get his score. If you want Kikaus score you can move Griffin down to 21.

    Because TPJ is dual and his team plays late in the round and so do Tigers, you can also switch TPJ and Rochows positions. Without seeing the full squad it is hard to recommend, but normally in this kind of scenario you can see 2 or 3 players play before deciding which score to take.

    This is why having the player in the 13 is much better than having them on bench / emergency. You get lots of flexibility and options. Now who needs to keep quiet on what they don't know they are talking about?

    SO this is what you seem to be recommending.
    (Its probably best to assume that instead of Tedesco - you are looping some other WFB that plays early in the round who you might not want in your 17. I'll leave Tedesco in there for now but in reality he'll always be in your 17 and you would probably want to try the loop on someone else)

    FRF: TPJ
    2RF: Rochow

    14. Cook
    15: 2RF (with no FRF DPP)
    16. ?? (not 2RF or FRF)
    17. FRF (with no 2RF DPP) - for arguments sake lets say Lodge
    18. Tedesco
    19. Griffin
    20. Kikau
    21. Croker

    So with no changes, Lodge will go to FRF for AE and Teddy will slide into 17.

    Moving Griffin into interchange in 14-16 won't change that. Lodge will AE for TPJ and tedesco will slide into 17, and you'll lose the score of whoever made way for Griffin.
    Moving Griffin into 17 and Lodge into 19 means you'll lose Teddy's score and Lodge will be AE for TPJ

    You could move Lodge to 21 and Griffin into 17, will get Kikau as AE instead of Tedesco - but you have to give up Lodge's potential score to do so. This is the main benefit being described. You get to see both Tedesco and Kikau's scores, and decide which one you want to keep. The potential backfire is that you have to give up the score of Lodge to do so (and can only score one of Tedesco/Kikau - if they both do well then you still have to give one up)

    To do this you have to have a team of people playing the right position, playing games in the right order. Its not something you can reliably do every week.


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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Chewie Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:15 pm

    Hi... my name is Chewie...and I'm not a loopholer... yet

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by standard-issue Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:29 pm

    Love the title Lol
    Rippin and Tearin
    Rippin and Tearin

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Rippin and Tearin Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:31 pm

    Awfully quite there mate!

    mattnz wrote:
    In this scenario, to maximize the power of the loophole, play TPJ in your 13 at FRF exchanging him with a non-dual FRF, leave Teddy where he is in 18. Play Kikau at 20. Switch Rochow for a non-dual 2nd Rower.

    Now wait for Teddy and Kikau to play. Choose which of their scores you want to get. If you want Teddys score, you can move Griffin into the interchange before he plays and you get his score How does this help you get Teddy's score? in the situation you describe you get his score without making any changes as your FRF at 17 takes TPJs spot and Teddy moves to 17. If you want Kikaus score you can move Griffin down to 21.Again, this would change nothing, if you moved Griffin from 19 to 21 then your FRF at 17 still takes TPJs spot, and Teddy still takes 17

    Because TPJ is dual and his team plays late in the round and so do Tigers, you can also switch TPJ and Rochows positions. Without seeing the full squad it is hard to recommend, but normally in this kind of scenario you can see 2 or 3 players play before deciding which score to take.

    This is why having the player in the 13 is much better than having them on bench / emergency. You get lots of flexibility and options. Now who needs to keep quiet on what they don't know they are talking about?

    Do you see what I am getting at here @mattnz

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Pain Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:44 pm

    I've moved kikau into my Insurance scorer position (18) and Teddy back into the 17. My midnight brain missed that last night.

    I dont have the attention span on weekends for some the above techniques. One free look is enough for me and I can get it done tonight before the sugar rush of easter.
    Cap'n Ranta
    Cap'n Ranta

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Cap'n Ranta Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:59 pm

    To try and help out -

    I believe what hes trying to point out is that with the loophole he can get a look at multiple players but only if its in the starting team.

    To simplify I'll give this example:

    I have Katoa as my loophole source.

    My other WFB are Thompson and JMK. In addition to this I also have Kikau in my emergencies as a loophole option.

    My looping EMG setup would look like this:

    17. Rochow
    18. Kikau
    19. Havilii
    20. JMK
    21. Thompson

    I get a look at Kikau and JMK as they play before Katoa is locked out.

    If Kikau has the best score I would swap Katoa to the bench(spot 17) (via Rochow to 21 Thompson to start). As Katoa is on the bench positions don't matter and I get Kikau as a scorer as my 18.
    If JMK is better I leave Katoa in the starting 13. Means my emg must come from the WFB so Kikau and Havilli are passed over for JMK.

    If they both score terribly I can swap Thompson with Havilii (or Katoa if I can beat the lockout) to get Thompsons score as a WFB AE as he is my highest rank WFB EMG and take Rochows points too Very Happy .

    Summary: If you loop with the player in the starting team (1-13) you can control the position of the player that comes in as an AE giving you two looks whereas if they are on your bench you only get the one look. However this also limits your upside as the players you have a look at can't have more than 1 get shuffled into your team

    Agree with @Milchcow .To do this you have to have a team of people playing the right position, playing games in the right order. Its not something you can reliably do every week.

    Cap'n Ranta
    Cap'n Ranta

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Cap'n Ranta Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:03 pm

    Milchcow wrote:
    Main thread is full of poolhopping talk.

    So anyone here want to help me with trade options for the week?

    I'll try and include a loophole so its valid chat here Very Happy

    What are you thinking so our poolhopping team can get started?

    Edit: Optimum poolhopping means you need two NPRs. May I reccomend:

    T. Mata'utia | Titans | 2RF | CTR | 212k
    T. Sailor | Dragons | WFB | HLF | 212k

    Covers 4 desirable pooling positions at an affordable base price of 212k. Plus titans and dragons don't get many Thursday or Friday games so extra good for poolhopping.

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Milchcow Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:09 pm

    Cap'n Ranta wrote:ut.

    If Kikau has the best score I would swap Katoa to the bench(spot 17) (via Rochow to 21 Thompson to start). As Katoa is on the bench positions don't matter and I get Kikau as a scorer as my 18.

    This is the problem I have with this method. To get the loop you want you also have to sub Rochow out of your scoring team and play Thompson. That move might lose you any points you gain by the original loop

    The advantage of

    17. Katoa
    18. Kikau
    19. Havili

    Is that its nice and simple. Want Kikau's score - do nothing, want to roll the dice with Havili - swap him in. Changes don't impact anyone else in your team.

    It could backfire. You could keep Kikau and have Havili go larger. You could ditch Kikau and have Havili suck even more

    I think the issues will come in if Kikau scores something like 31. Do you loop or keep?
    If Kikau scores 50+ its a relatively easy decision, but no guarantees.

    Past 2 weeks, the popular loop choices have all gone large or tiny making the choice easy. But eventually there will be some hard choices, and people will lose points by backing the wrong horse.
    code delta
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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by code delta Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:12 pm

    Hi... my name is code delta...and I'm not a loopholer... yet

    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:18 pm

    I’m looping for the first time this round.

    Feels good.
    Cap'n Ranta
    Cap'n Ranta

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by Cap'n Ranta Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:19 pm

    Milchcow wrote:

    This is the problem I have with this method. To get the loop you want you also have to sub Rochow out of your scoring team and play Thompson. That move might lose you any points you gain by the original loop

    The advantage of

    17. Katoa
    18. Kikau
    19. Havili

    Is that its nice and simple. Want Kikau's score - do nothing, want to roll the dice with Havili - swap him in. Changes don't impact anyone else in your team.

    It could backfire. You could keep Kikau and have Havili go larger. You could ditch Kikau and have Havili suck even more

    I think the issues will come in if Kikau scores something like 31. Do you loop or keep?
    If Kikau scores 50+ its a relatively easy decision, but no guarantees.

    Past 2 weeks, the popular loop choices have all gone large or tiny making the choice easy. But eventually there will be some hard choices, and people will lose points by backing the wrong horse.

    Agree completely. This'll be my first week with

    17. Kennar
    18. Kikau
    19. Rochow

    If it's 35 or more I won't loop. 30-34 would be really annoying and I'd sleep on it. Probably would loop.

    Just this alone makes a hard decision. Can't imagine trying to make a call on a more complex case like the Rochow sub out.

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    Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy Empty Re: Loopholers Anonymous - a wretched hive of scum and villainy

    Post by sets Thu Mar 29, 2018 5:51 pm

    Im just checking out this thread for a friend

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