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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3


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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by Chewie Thu Sep 22, 2022 4:21 pm

    It was only until ET mentioned it that I worked out that Papa is a lady Embarassed

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by easytiger Thu Sep 22, 2022 4:23 pm

    RandomSil - Who was the biggest threat to your game, and how did you get them out?

    It seems a bit weird to suggest someone outside the jury, but looking back, I'd have to say Welshy.

    I think at heart, we're both pretty loyal people, we value loyalty and we want to give loyalty, which was a positive. But Welshy's leadership style was very much at odds with mine.

    When Chucky went my role shifted from a player in a strong alliance with some very influential players, to an otherwise fairly quiet guy leading an alliance.
    One of the most significant changes in our tribe was that some of the players (Stu & Papa) were suddenly a lot more recognised and valued.
    I was always keen to hear what players in my alliance thought first before letting them know where I wanted to go with things. I wanted them to be an active part of my alliance - the more ownership they had, the more investment they had, the less likely they would want to tank their own ship.
    While that sounds like good gameplay, it is also more inclusive and provides a much more positive experience for everyone.

    That wasn't Welshy's style. He was more of a velvet glove, iron fist approach. If you were in, you were in, but if you were out, you would be under no illusion of your place at the bottom.
    I became quickly aware of that by reading through the Season one thread. It was one of the reasons it was essential to weaken him by removing Chucky.

    If I had acted as Welshy's right-hand man, then it would've damaged my social game. If Welshy had made it to the merge outside of my alliance then he had enough connections (including yourself) to get the numbers to cause damage, and he would've cut through us mercilessly. Removing him became vital - hence why I tanked a challenge, and how he went is discussed in my answer to Moanaman.

    NRL FF Survivor Champion : 2022
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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by easytiger Thu Sep 22, 2022 4:23 pm

    Chewie wrote:It was only until ET mentioned it that I worked out that Papa is a lady Embarassed

    Just wait till you discover that one of us isn't even a real person, but a spectral apparition that can only communicate via this specific forum

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by Moanaman Thu Sep 22, 2022 5:31 pm

    Great response Easy, allow me to retort....

    I made a mistake, after we (Random, Rabbits and I) found out about L-Jimmy et all plans to take out Cunbert we took them out methodically. My mistake was not listening to Rabbits and voting out Pookus instead of JM. That was a bad move on my part and I realized that our game was over after that. From there on in I was firmly focused on winding people up as much as I could knowing there was no chance of us winning. It seems to have worked.

    Congratulations on your game, you deserve to be here and you have a 50% chance of getting my vote.

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by Milchcow Thu Sep 22, 2022 6:53 pm


    Thanks for finally unloading on someone in the tribal questions.

    Too much of this thread has been sucking everyone off about how every decision was the hardest in the game and how we are full of nothing but loves and kisses. Nice to see at at least 1 point you were happy to vote someone out.

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by StuDogg101 Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:12 pm

    Jumping Marlin wrote:TeethEater:  Congrats on making it to the end, and wonderfully played from both of you. I am not sure I can think of a question as everything was so comprehensively covered in your final statements. Not that I ever wanted it to happen, but I constantly wondered why ET and B/L were not targeted with votes, but JM's explanation covers that base for your part in that, JM.

    I have a meaningless sense of wonder about who ET would have taken to the final two if he'd won that final challenge, but that's really quite trivial and speculative, so I don't need it to be answered.

    Apologies, just typed out and deleted a whole paragraph asking JM about my dismissal from the game, but I think I concluded that you voted with B/L, ET and myself that week? Sorry guys, got such a rubbish memory. My question was, if you did assist in my dismissal, JM, I was curious as to why you did not vote with B/L and ET that week? But it was Papa and Stu, wasn't it?

    I guess I never had much clarity about the whole situation, obviously, and that'd be the only thing I wondered about.

    And that's about it. Sorry ET, nothing separate for you as you did very honestly cover anything I could think of!

    Good luck, fellas, and may be the best wilderbeast win!

    Hey Teeth,

    Thanks for your generous comments.  

    You have landed on the right conclusion, I voted with you the night you went home. So Papa and Stu did the dirty.

    Ok so in my/our defence, our path to the final needed something to happen and at this juncture it appeared like the best option. What we didn't count on was the ET/BL/JM triumvirate. I knew if I was sitting in the final 2 there were very few people I could legitimately beat (if any) without trying some things on the home stretch. I reached out to Papa and we agreed our best interests were to vote together, and determine week by week who that would be for. I had hitched my wagon to the ET/BL train long before, and as it turns out that continuing to do so was the incorrect decision post merge.

    Hindsight and everything, but when it was put to me to vote one of the three it felt like the right decision, especially with idols still in play. I wanted to be as close to 100% sure the person I voted for was going home that week. And to protect what I thought was the alliance with ET and BL, AND stay true to the convo I had had with Papa, Teeth was the result.

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by Chewie Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:37 pm

    easytiger wrote:

    Just wait till you discover that one of us isn't even a real person, but a spectral apparition that can only communicate via this specific forum

    Sidious is back again!?

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by Chewie Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:44 pm

    Welshy, Random, Chucky and Milch were some of my allies... bummer that most of them got eliminated before merge

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by Rabbits21 Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:21 pm

    FalconSloth wrote:Those are some great answers. The last of the questions have been sent through and I will accept votes once they have been answered
    I already voted sent it to you last night.

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by B/L Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:23 pm

    StuDogg101 wrote:

    Ok so in my/our defence, our path to the final needed something to happen and at this juncture it appeared like the best option. What we didn't count on was the ET/BL/JM triumvirate. I knew if I was sitting in the final 2 there were very few people I could legitimately beat (if any) without trying some things on the home stretch. I reached out to Papa and we agreed our best interests were to vote together, and determine week by week who that would be for. I had hitched my wagon to the ET/BL train long before, and as it turns out that continuing to do so was the incorrect decision post merge.

    Hindsight and everything, but when it was put to me to vote one of the three it felt like the right decision, especially with idols still in play. I wanted to be as close to 100% sure the person I voted for was going home that week. And to protect what I thought was the alliance with ET and BL, AND stay true to the convo I had had with Papa, Teeth was the result.

    I will say that I had no idea who I was going to be loyal with towards the end apart from ET after wolfie and teeth got voted out. JM was the last one to the party so even though I respected him,.we might have let him go earlier...maybe not with ET being sneaky haha. But JM staying loyal when you papa jumped ship was what made it an easy decision to take him to the final 3 with us. Rabbits had continually told me JM couldn't be trusted so that was stuck in the back of my head but it turned out that he was the one who could be most trusted. In hindsight though I said to ET at the time that the move by you and papa was the right move and you guys probably should have kept going against us and things might have been different but ET was able to get you back on side and the rest was history.

    Great fun by all however.

    Moana was ny favourite player In the game purely because he made it interesting. Annoying as fuck but every game needs a villain. The funniest part of the game for me was when I accidently sent my vote to monana voting himout instead of sending It to FS. I owned the move but it was a total balls up on my end lol.

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by B/L Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:26 pm

    Chewie wrote:Welshy, Random, Chucky and Milch were some of my allies... bummer that most of them got eliminated before merge

    Chucky and eventually welshy went mainly because you sent a pm to welshy with your plans both wolfie and I thought we would be working with you post merge but when we were left out of the pm we knew we had to act to blow up that potential alliance and it all went from there.

    Welshy was easily leader of the group early on but after the moves were made ET and I rose up and if anything ET took over from there and stayed up on top. JM did a great job going from one of the guys at the bottom to navigating his way easily to final 3.

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by StuDogg101 Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:28 pm

    B/L wrote:

    I will say that I had no idea who I was going to be loyal with towards the end apart from ET after wolfie and teeth got voted out. JM was the last one to the party so even though I respected him,.we might have let him go earlier...maybe not with ET being sneaky haha. But JM staying loyal when you papa jumped ship was what made it an easy decision to take him to the final 3 with us. Rabbits had continually told me JM couldn't be trusted so that was stuck in the back of my head but it turned out that he was the one who could be most trusted. In hindsight though I said to ET at the time that the move by you and papa was the right move and you guys probably should have kept going against us and things might have been different but ET was able to get you back on side and the rest was history.

    Great fun by all however.

    Moana was ny favourite player In the game purely because he made it interesting. Annoying as fuck but every game needs a villain. The funniest part of the game for me was when I accidently sent my vote to monana voting himout instead of sending It to FS. I owned the move but it was a total balls up on my end lol.

    Totally fair enough, Papa and I thought JM was a swing vote, but once again in hindsight it was obvious he was with you guys cuz he never wavered. Which to his credit worked a charm. I have no regrets though, I had to try something or be happy with at best second place. Noone wins coat-tailing the whole way.

    Funny you should say that. On two separate occasions I posted one of my challenge answers on here instead of in PM, and also posted a vote here once too. Fail. Have got good at fast deletes though 😂


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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by easytiger Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:37 pm

    1 At what point did you feel like you were safe in this game, like you could sit back and know you had made it to the end?

    I strongly felt that I had would make it to the end when we voted out Papa.
    It was just a question of the road to the final 3.
    It didn't feel like I could sit back and enjoy it, I had to vote off people that had chosen to work with me.
    I will finally sit back and enjoy it once I've answered these last few questions.

    2. What do you think your biggest play was this season?
    Do you feel like it was almost too easy post merge once the majority of your alliance made it?

    It's a split between Welshy and Cunbert.
    The Welshy blindside involved so many moving parts, everything had to work seemlessly.
    It was a difficult vote for B/L as he had a friendship with Welshy beyond the confines of the forum - I owned it.
    It was my first big play.

    As you will know, some players already felt intimidated by Welshy. If anything had gone wrong it would've been ugly. It changed the direction of the game.
    Getting Cunbert onside to remove Papa's last big play was huge in a different way. Papa could've had you and Cunbert vote with her - you both had immunity, there was an opportunity to swing the game.
    You said you weren't prepared to vote me out, so we get a 3-3 tie and probably go to paper/scissors/rock, JM or B/L go home. B/L had a relationship with Papa, so I'm guessing probably JM goes.

    To me Survivor has two stages.
    Stage one is Pre-merge where you try to setup numbers in your favour through relationships and winning challenges.
    Then Stage two happens at the merge where the game begins.
    I would say 90% of the hard work was post-merge.

    Counting back from the Jury;
    The first Jury tribal vote, I was on the chopping block and we couldn't split the vote.

    The second & third we had to split the votes due to idols in play - that means working out exactly who needs to vote for whom, who could switch, what would that mean.
    Vote splits were always complicated and never without risk - idols in play removed any comfort a numbers advantage gave.

    The fourth & fifth came in a double vote where an idol was likely to come into play. It necessitated voting out an ally (Rabbits) and trying to keep quiet the other vote (it was not kept quiet). Wolfie gone, a big blow.

    The sixth should've gone well. I'd said just enough and left just enough unsaid to imply the wrong target and an idol was wasted. But, you flipped at the last minute, so - Teeth went home. More damage to my alliance.

    The seventh I had to get you back with us, and vote for someone I'd enjoyed playing this game with. Chewie went home.

    The eighth & ninth - I've covered well. Papa & Cunbert go.

    The tenth - It's you or JM. It would've been a much harder decision if you hadn't voted Teeth, but I understand why you did.

    There's nothing in there that was easy, if I sat back and coasted for any of those votes, I think we'd have a different final 2.

    3. Do you have any regrets/things you would do differently? Hard to argue with whatever got you to the final two but there might be something. I think that you and JM complimented each other well, as you could put yourself out there and get things done while he played in the background.

    Do you have any regrets/things you would do differently?
    I regret things about the nature of Survivor, but it's also the nature of the beast. I'd more say there were moments that I lament where I have to accept my role in those moments.
    I made the best decisions I could with the resources (primarily information and time) that I had - so I don't think I'd do anything too differently without having the benefit of hindsight.

    B/L and I complimented each other well.
    JM and I have a lot of respect for each other, but I don't see my game as especially contingent on his role in it.
    He was incredibly loyal and trustworthy, which is a precious commodity in Survivor - but I also had that with Wolfie and Teeth.
    It could've also been you or Papa if that's how you'd decided to play it.
    It might have even been Chewie or Cunbert if they didn't come as a pair.

    In Survivor, you depend on your relationships - if you look at any point from the merge onwards and withdraw any one of my relationships, things start to get shaky.

    But that's the key as well. You don't let shaky - it's seldom contingent on one player, it's contingent on many - so every week you reinforce, observe the weaknesses of your deck of cards, restrengthen if you can, and cut them loose if you can't.

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by easytiger Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:44 pm

    Congrats on making it to the end, and wonderfully played from both of you. I am not sure I can think of a question as everything was so comprehensively covered in your final statements. Not that I ever wanted it to happen, but I constantly wondered why ET and B/L were not targeted with votes, but JM's explanation covers that base for your part in that, JM.

    I have a meaningless sense of wonder about who ET would have taken to the final two if he'd won that final challenge, but that's really quite trivial and speculative, so I don't need it to be answered.

    Apologies, just typed out and deleted a whole paragraph asking JM about my dismissal from the game, but I think I concluded that you voted with B/L, ET and myself that week? Sorry guys, got such a rubbish memory. My question was, if you did assist in my dismissal, JM, I was curious as to why you did not vote with B/L and ET that week? But it was Papa and Stu, wasn't it?

    I guess I never had much clarity about the whole situation, obviously, and that'd be the only thing I wondered about.

    And that's about it. Sorry ET, nothing separate for you as you did very honestly cover anything I could think of!

    Good luck, fellas, and may be the best wilderbeast win!

    Thanks Teeth.

    Thank you everyone for the diversity of the questions you gave me.
    I've tried to answer them open and honestly.

    With the TV series you might sit back and watch what actually happened, but here we don't have that chance, so I hope it's given some insight into some of the workings that went into this mad journey.

    I think the diversity of questions sent to me hopefully reflect the complexity and involvement of my game and the many decisions and moments it had.

    I didn't win the final challenge, so I don't have a question about why I took whom (that will have to remain a story for another time), but I hope you've enjoyed some insight into the workings of my game and I look forward to twiddling my fingers and figuring out what will fill the huge space that Survivor filled.

    Good luck to JM - it's been a pleasure
    Enjoy your votes

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by FalconSloth Thu Sep 22, 2022 9:19 pm

    Thanks for all these questions and answers. Votes have been coming in and shall continue to come in until 6:00pm AEST tomorrow when J will read them out in the final tribal council of NRLFF Survivor Season 2
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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by wolfking Thu Sep 22, 2022 9:29 pm

    ET's response to Moan:

    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Giphy
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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by wolfking Thu Sep 22, 2022 9:35 pm

    B/L wrote:

    Chucky and eventually welshy went mainly because you sent a pm to welshy with your plans  both wolfie and I thought we would be working with you post merge but when we were left out of the pm we knew we had to act to blow up that potential alliance and it all went from there.

    Welshy was easily leader of the group early on but after the moves were made ET and I rose up and if anything ET took over from there and stayed up on top. JM did a great job going from one of the guys at the bottom to navigating his way easily to final 3.

    Yeah Chewie, we were close in season 1 so when I found out this and I wasn't included in the early stages, not gonna lie, it didn't sit well with me. I could have reached out to you I agree and was thinking about it before all this.
    Teeth Eater
    Teeth Eater

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by Teeth Eater Thu Sep 22, 2022 9:45 pm

    StuDogg101 wrote:

    Ok so in my/our defence, our path to the final needed something to happen and at this juncture it appeared like the best option. What we didn't count on was the ET/BL/JM triumvirate. I knew if I was sitting in the final 2 there were very few people I could legitimately beat (if any) without trying some things on the home stretch. I reached out to Papa and we agreed our best interests were to vote together, and determine week by week who that would be for. I had hitched my wagon to the ET/BL train long before, and as it turns out that continuing to do so was the incorrect decision post merge.

    Hindsight and everything, but when it was put to me to vote one of the three it felt like the right decision, especially with idols still in play. I wanted to be as close to 100% sure the person I voted for was going home that week. And to protect what I thought was the alliance with ET and BL, AND stay true to the convo I had had with Papa, Teeth was the result.

    Haha, yeah, no worries at all, mate. Like B/L mentioned below, I said to both ET and B/L in the aftermath that it was a bummer, but the right move by you guys.

    I best get my vote in.

    Awesome final responses, JM and ET. Reading all this with your recollections and detail makes me well aware that I'm not cut out for the final two, lol.

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by Chewie Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:00 am

    B/L wrote:

    Chucky and eventually welshy went mainly because you sent a pm to welshy with your plans  both wolfie and I thought we would be working with you post merge but when we were left out of the pm we knew we had to act to blow up that potential alliance and it all went from there.

    Welshy was easily leader of the group early on but after the moves were made ET and I rose up and if anything ET took over from there and stayed up on top. JM did a great job going from one of the guys at the bottom to navigating his way easily to final 3.

    I forgot to mention Pookus... tried to keep him in the game too

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    NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3 - Page 24 Empty Re: NRLFF Survivor Season 2 - Part 3

    Post by Chewie Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:18 am

    wolfking wrote:

    Yeah Chewie, we were close in season 1 so when I found out this and I wasn't included in the early stages, not gonna lie, it didn't sit well with me.  I could have reached out to you I agree and was thinking about it before all this.

    Oh wow, I thought PMs were private messages? Razz
    Sorry Wolfie, in hindsight I should have broadened my horizon in those early weeks, Welshy sent me a pm before tribes were anounced, and Random was part of the convo too.
    After the tribes were announced I mainly focussed on the shenanigans at Cheese and making allies there, I had some loose connections at Carty, but most of those were eliminated early on, ET was the only one that remained, we fed each other a lot of info, which helped in knowing when to play the idols or change the way Cunbert and myself were voting, and it helped in convincing players to vote certain ways....

    yes Rabbits21... I was one of the moles

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