filthridden wrote:
I finished Ms Marvel. Definitely think it was aimed more at the kids/teenagers. I didn't find it particularly engaging.
Kenobi I struggled with. I just didn't give a shit about any of the characters, thought the acting outside of the main cast was terrible (Flea's cameo - where's the puke emoji?) and the dialogue and decisions characters were making were just silly at times.
Managed to finish it through just wanting to see how they tied it up so could've been worse!
Watching Paper Girls which amazon seems to be marketing as their 'stranger things'.
Again, I'm not the target audience here so take with a pinch of salt but it's a pile of horseshit.
We watched Ms Marvel with the calf, I thought it was good enough. The first few episodes were better than the end, but I liked the actor for Ms Marvel herself. That sort of YA stuff is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine (watched a tonne Degrassi for instance)
I think one reason Kenobi struggled was that due to the future movies, there were limited things they could do with Kenobi or Vader themselves without breaking canon. So they had to introduce some new characters to have some sort of tension and I think they fell flat a bit. I didn;t mind them, but as Filth said, some of the character decisions just didn't make much sense. Was passable but not great.
Hopefully Andor is better
I know a bunch of people have lost all interest in game of thrones, but I'm hanging out for the new series in a few weeks, and the Rings of Power too.