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    Supercoach Draft?

    Teeth Eater
    Teeth Eater

    Posts : 4827
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    Join date : 2018-02-20

    Supercoach Draft? Empty Supercoach Draft?

    Post by Teeth Eater Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:56 pm

    Hello my fellow humans, people, homo sapiens and unclassified beings. I don't think this has happened in previous recent years, but I was wondering if there was any interest in a Supercoach Draft League? I'm not really sure how to set one up, but just having a quick look at it now I figure it is probably easy enough... I think? So I'd be happy to set one up if there's a few keen beings... or I'd be happy for someone more confident in doing such a thing to do it. Not locked in either way, but I'd be curious to know if there's any appetite for it?

    Like I said, just having a look at it now and I don't think I'd set it up today as it looks like you need a bit of info before you lock it in. Before I set up a league I'd need to know the number of people in the league - looks like you can create one with anywhere from 4-20 people, in multiples of two.

    And then it looks like you have four options for team structure, or you can create a custom one. I'd personally prefer to go with one of the already set up team structures. There's four options, as noted, with 12 players, 14 players and two 17 player options.

    1. 12 players;
    1 in each position + 5 BENCH

    2. 14 players;
    1 HOK / 2 FRF / 2 2RF / 1 HLF / 1 5/8 / 2 CTW / 1 FLB / 4 BENCH

    3. 17 players (1);
    1 HOK / 2 FRF / 2 2RF / 1 HLF / 1 5/8 / 2 CTW / 1 FLB / 7 BENCH

    4. 17 players (2)
    1 HOK / 2 FRF / 3 2RF / 1 HLF / 1 5/8 / 4 CTW / 1 FLB / 4 BENCH

    Just to keep things aligned, as per the Fantasy Leagues, I guess I'd aim to start this one also at 9pm AEST 19th February, so I guess I'd set a cut-off date for entrants until about the 16th of Feb? That gives me time to set up league, distribute code and hopefully give everyone enough time to join the league?

    lol, jeez, I dunno. I feel like a sham as I've not done it before, but if this sounds good to people and they're keen, let me know... or if someone wants to manhandle this with muscular confidence and knows what they're doing, I'm down with that too. I guess first step is to see if there's actually any interest in this? And if so, which team structure is preferred too? I'm thinking Option 3 gives you a reserve for each position (I assume?) and would be my preference as it seems the most logical way to navigate byes.

      Current date/time is Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:39 am