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NRL Fantasy Fanatics

NRL Fantasy Fanatics - A place for discussion of NRL Fantasy / Virtual Sports / Super Coach and other Fantasy Sports

    How many Rd19 players are you likely to field?


    How many players?

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    How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Bar_left0%How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Bar_right [0%] 
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    How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Bar_left0%How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Bar_right [0%] 
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    How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Bar_left21%How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Bar_right [21%] 
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    How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Bar_left31%How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Bar_right [31%] 
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    How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Bar_left28%How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Bar_right [28%] 
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    How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Bar_left20%How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Bar_right [20%] 

    Total Votes: 29
    Welsh Mafia
    Welsh Mafia

    Posts : 2534
    Reputation : 1467
    Join date : 2021-02-27
    Age : 32
    Location : Christchurch

    How many Rd19 players are you likely to field? Empty How many Rd19 players are you likely to field?

    Post by Welsh Mafia Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:27 pm

    Presuming teams line up as they're listed

      Current date/time is Mon Nov 11, 2024 2:46 am