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    Constantly needing to sign in


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    Constantly needing to sign in Empty Constantly needing to sign in

    Post by hymenbustas Tue May 03, 2022 9:20 pm

    I’m pretty sure it’s a me problem as I don’t see anyone else with the issue but why am I prompted to log in every couple of days. I had to do twice today on the same phone and browser.

    Is it a cookie thing? It’s a bit annoying as the forum isn’t optimized for mobile viewing.

    Again, im fairly certain it’s a me problem so if someone could point me the right way, would be appreciated

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    Constantly needing to sign in Empty Re: Constantly needing to sign in

    Post by Milchcow Wed May 04, 2022 1:57 pm

    I have to re-login at least once a week. Its a minor annoyance, but password is saved so only 1 extra click

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    Constantly needing to sign in Empty Re: Constantly needing to sign in

    Post by standard-issue Wed May 04, 2022 8:07 pm

    hymenbustas wrote:I’m pretty sure it’s a me problem as I don’t see anyone else with the issue but why am I prompted to log in every couple of days. I had to do twice today on the same phone and browser.

    Is it a cookie thing? It’s a bit annoying as the forum isn’t optimized for mobile viewing.

    Again, im fairly certain it’s a me problem so if someone could point me the right way, would be appreciated

    The regular logging in is a bit annoying but I think most of us cop the same mate, like Milchy said. Although twice in one day is extreme, for me it can range from every couple of days to monthly. If it keeps happening let us know in here.

    In regards the mobile version, it is pretty horrible unfortunately. I think we have had more complaints about that then anything else over the years, and because of that I think Random actually completely disabled it.

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    Constantly needing to sign in Empty Re: Constantly needing to sign in

    Post by Krump Thu May 05, 2022 7:29 am

    I've have to login almost everytime I use my ipad. It's fine on the PC though
    No Worries
    No Worries

    NRL FF Survivor Champion : I'm like the waterboy.
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    Constantly needing to sign in Empty Re: Constantly needing to sign in

    Post by No Worries Thu May 05, 2022 10:20 am

    I get the same as SI

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