by Guest Sun May 02, 2021 1:26 am
been a while since anyone's posted here, but I'm full of piss and vinegar this weekend apparently, and my disgust with the Jags had been bubbling and can be held back no longer, so vent time - fuck those fucking fucks! I had a home-run RB keeper in the keeper league in James Robinson, dude was an at-worst 2nd rounder that I was gonna get in the last round of the draft, and then those fucking morons went 'well, we were basically forced into making an all-time no-brainer decision in taking Lawrence at 1, so we better make sure our other first-rounder is an all-time headscratcher in case people start to think we might be any good at these fucking things, oh I know! let's use it to replace the only player on our offense that looked any good last season!', so now, what was my best value draft pick for next year, all of a sudden has draft value equal to a paperweight made from dog-shit... cunts.